Press review

Welcome to our Art of Roof press review area, where we share with you the latest news, articles and media coverage highlighting our passion and expertise in the world of architecture and roofing. Explore feedback, reviews and praise from the trade press, and immerse yourself in the innovative and aesthetically pleasing world of Art of Roof. Discover how our team constantly pushes the boundaries to deliver unique and inspiring architectural solutions. Follow us through the media and explore the evolution of our presence in the field of art and the cool roof.

SYLVIE BOLLARD - ECO Savoie Mont Blanc - December 12, 2023 

Geoengineering: Art of roof, white at its best

In the beginning, it was a nice little idea to finish their careers while doing something for the planet. In the end, it's a four-partner project that's aiming for sales of 7 million euros by 2026. It has to be said that Art of roof, a company based in Aix-en-Provence [...], was born at the beginning of 2023.

CÉCILE BOUGET DE FRANCESCO - Radio Semnoz - Chronique Initiatives - December 2023 


CELIA AMPHOUX - Le Progrès - Nov. 30, 2023

Art of Roof aims to bring style to corporate energy performance

Spectacular, resilient art. Art of Roof, housed in the Village by CA des Savoie gas pedal, proposes to bring style to the energy performance of businesses, using Cool Roof technology.

Cool Roof is a white paint that stores much less heat than the roofs of commercial buildings, which are often waterproofed with bitumen... black and hot. The Art of Roof (or AoR) company creates works of art using this technology, offering companies, supermarkets and industries the chance to refresh their buildings while enhancing their visual identity. After murals, here comes roof art - so to speak - and Google Maps will be the gallery.

CLAIRE CASTELAR - Hebdo des Savoie - N° 1283 - July 20, 2023 Innovation

Art of Roof: "an open-air art gallery to refresh refresh the planet"

... First introduced in France in 2015, the "cool roof", which now boasts a dozen players covering 943 million m2 of commercial building surface area, is set to expand over the next few years in view of increasingly hot temperatures and soaring energy costs.

ESTHER LALLIER - L'Essor Savoyard / Le Messager 10/05/2023

Paint to cool buildings and combat urban heat islands

Refreshing buildings and the city with paint, while creating " an open-air art gallery ". This is another project embarked upon by Aix-based artist and entrepreneur Jean-Bruno Ricard, who is also behind a collective to revegetate the city.

Together with long-time friend Jean-Sébastien Plaut, a graphic designer, they came up with the idea of developing a concept that would combine art and ecology. In October 2022, the two set up Art of roof, with the aim of painting the roofs of buildings and other surfaces in the city. The aim is to cool down energy-hungry buildings, such as thermal flats, and combat heat islands.

Lower building temperatures by "5 to 10°C".

Read the full article on the Essor Savoyard website...

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